How to get from Salzburg airport to Maria Alm and Hinterthal?
How are taxi transfers from Salzburg airport to Maria Alm calculated?
+ From Salzburg Airport to Maria Alm € 199.-
+ From Maria Alm to Salzburg Airport € 199.-
+ From Salzburg Airport to Hinterthal € 219.-
+ From Hinterthal to Salzburg Airport € 219.-
This price refers to a journey from Salzburg airport to Kaprun for up to 2 people with normal luggage.
How long does it take to get from Salzburg Airport to Maria Alm or Hinterthal?
For the taxi ride from Salzburg to Maria Alm we calculate about 1 hour and 30 minutes, to HInterthal 10 minutes more.
On Saturdays and in winter, the travel time is significantly longer.

Maria Alm - Hinterthal in summer.
Hiking, cycling, swimming, traditional festivals...
Maria Alm and Hinterthal in winter.
Skiing, snowboarding, horse-drawn sleighs, apres ski, tobogganing...
Office hours for information and appointments.
Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.